Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Chavez Ngakak Viewing Ads Kissing Himself to Obama

Caracas - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez laughed when shown Benetton ad in which he was kissing his political opponents President of the United States (U.S.), Barack Obama. Chavez called the ad as an interesting joke.

As reported by Reuters on Wednesday (7/12/2011), the image is as one of the controversial campaign that made ​​the Italian fashion company. In the ad, political and religious leaders kissing each other on the lips.

The Vatican said the party would take legal action over the image of Pope Benedict XVI who was kissing a Muslim imam. But Chavez instead regarded it as a joke.

"I've never seen this before? How Obama is seen there? With your eyes closed! He seems inspired!" Chavez said jokingly when asked by reporters about the picture of himself with the U.S. leader.

"But it was only a kiss, really, just a kiss. They joke with me all the time, but I did not do anything. It was a good joke," he said.

Chavez even joked that he hopes will get something out of the ad. "They did not even send me a tie? I hope to get a tie for Christmas. It's publicity strategy, I applaud their creativity," he said.

Benetton party states that the purpose of advertising them exclusively is to fight the culture of hatred in any form. But they still decided to draw a picture of the Pope.

(Fiq / ita)


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